Our main goal is to support our students. You can help by doing that in the way that works best with your current lifestyle.
Identifying the most deserving candidates, who are talented but lack the resources to develop into their full potential, is the main task of the foundation. Being able to find students that are in alignment with the foundation’s goals and values requires patience, empathy, and an understanding of the work the foundation is trying to do.
As a mentor, you would be paired with one or more students to be their contact – both as a liaison with GEF and as a general mentor to help guide them through school and life. There are a lot of soft skills that our students need guidance on that cannot be bought. Personal, specific mentorship is what sets us apart at GEF and we think it is very important for a student’s overall, well-rounded development.
Besides, you can mentor a group of students to develop specific skills such as English Speaking, Time Management by conducting sessions at per students’ and your convenience.
We need help getting the word out! Sign up to be a community leader, and reach out to your local friends to inspire them to make a change with you through GEF. We have pamphlets, PowerPoint presentations ad other materials you can distribute, like our quarterly newsletter Disha. Sharing our website at a dinner party, or even hosting a fundraising event, are all things you can do to participate in the overall support of our students.
For more information on how you can help with this effort, check out our Donation Page. You can make a personal donation, or organize a charity event. Either way, the financial responsibility we have to these students is an important and practical aspect of the work we do.
Depending on the project’s stage and needs, you would contribute to design, develop or executing projects. You would be fully empowered in the activity and even can propose new projects that fit in the broad GEF framework.

Interested? Fill out this supporter registration form